Learn 10 best practices for optimizing resources in Kubernetes, including consistent tagging, cost alerts, and educating teams on cost implications through actionable recommendations and specialized tools.

Best Tips for Kubernetes Resource Reporting

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Kubernetes is the de facto standard for container orchestration and a staple in today's ever-changing software development and infrastructure management landscape. Its widespread adoption and large user community are testaments to its robustness, scalability, and efficiency in deploying and managing complex environments.

Within this ecosystem, Kubernetes resource reports are indispensable tools for engineers and administrators, offering critical insights into cost management, performance optimization, and regulatory compliance. While Kubernetes does a great job automating the operational tasks of container management, it lacks the built-in ability to produce detailed, meaningful reports on resources. Third-party tools came into play to address this need, providing insights by integrating with the infrastructure.

Excessive costs when running Kubernetes can be due to incorrect resource allocations, such as CPU, memory, and storage, or failure to decommission redundant resources.

A depiction of an over-provisioned and under-utilized Kubernetes cluster.

This article will explore Kubernetes resource report topics in detail, including best practices and the advantages of specialized tools like Kubecost for Kubernetes resource optimization. We will also provide actionable recommendations for improving infrastructure management through effective reporting.

Summary of ten key Kubernetes Resource Report best practices

The table below summarizes ten practical Kubernetes resource report best practices this article will explore in further detail.

Best practice Summary
Implement tagging consistently. Tags are a simple yet powerful tool for categorizing resources and associating them with entities or objects within an organization.
Consistently publish Kubernetes resource reports Consistent publication of resource reports helps keep interested parties up to date.
Publish cost allocation reports for individual teams. Segregate cost allocation reports to keep interested parties focused on information relevant to them.
Integrate cost reporting within CI/CD pipelines. Make cost reporting a part of your deployment process for real-time cost awareness.
Configure cost alerts Get notified before you exceed your budget thresholds.
Set performance thresholds and proactively monitor services. Ensure that your resources are allocated efficiently without compromising service quality.
Assess resource reports and adhere to policies. Have auditable data on cost readily available for accurate forecasting of future expenses for expansion and growth.
Use usage reports to optimize resources. Know how your Kubernetes infrastructure performs and eliminate over-provisioning and under-utilization.
Pursue automation in cost optimization. Dynamically allocate resources to your cluster objects based on demand and use historical data to predict future needs.
Educate teams on cost implications Cultivate a culture of cost awareness with your developers and operations.

Adopting a systematic approach to resource reporting in Kubernetes can significantly improve operational efficiency and cost management. The following practices are foundational to achieving these outcomes.

Implement tagging consistently

Accurate cost allocation depends on consistent tagging. Consistent tags simplify cost management and enhance transparency. Tagging facilitates detailed tracking of costs associated with any customer criteria relevant to your operations, such as teams, projects, environment, applications, service consumers, or anything else relevant to your needs.

A typical tagging use case in modern organizations is charging costs to specific departments to provide a picture of IT spending per department or project under a department. With consistent tagging, organizations gain a clear view of their resource consumption across the business.

In general, tagging is a simple yet versatile tool for managing infrastructure resources and clarifies the types of complex environments where Kubernetes is often encountered.

Filtering by tags (as labels) in Kubecost.

Comprehensive Kubernetes cost monitoring & optimization

Consistently publish Kubernetes resource reports

Regularly generating resource usage reports is critical for identifying underutilized resources, enabling organizations to make cost-saving adjustments and informed capacity planning decisions. In any organization, an infrastructure can grow organically based on a growing customer base, new application requirements, new features requiring more resources, etc.

Periodically producing and publishing resource usage reports brings all stakeholders to the same page and provides business and finance with hard facts about costs and consumption, allowing for more accurate planning.

Consistently following resource usage reports, doing cost reviews, and identifying spending patterns highlight areas where costs can be optimized or reduced without compromising performance or reliability. By analyzing resource usage reports, organizations can identify underutilized resources, potential for consolidating services, and opportunities for developing more cost-effective strategies.

Publish cost allocation reports for individual teams.

Continuing on the best practice of publishing resource usage reports, the structure of the report and its recipients are also important. Reports that include "everything" and are sent to "everyone" are often lost in the noise of daily corporate communications.

When producing cost allocation reports, one should segregate the contents and recipients per team, project, or workspace. In addition, cost reports can be generated per environment (e.g., "dev", "test", and "prod"), per team, landing zone, or value stream using Kubernetes namespaces and labels. This clarity will keep stakeholders focused on the metrics that matter.

Nobody understands an application's behavior and resource needs better than the teams involved in development, deployment, and operation. In addition, providing resource consumption reports to the people responsible fosters a culture of accountability.

A snapshot of the “Collections” page in Kubecost where users can create groups of Kubernetes objects and external cloud costs to receive a unified view of spending.

Integrate cost reporting within CI/CD pipelines

Embedding cost awareness into the development lifecycle promotes a culture of cost efficiency and facilitates ongoing budget management as the infrastructure grows organically. It provides developers and operations with immediate feedback in real-time as new code is committed and enables the teams to make informed and data-driven decisions early in the development cycle.

In addition, integrating cost reporting in CI/CD pipelines allows an organization to implement automated cost controls and take actions to stay within spending thresholds. Such actions can include automatically adjusting resource allocation or even stopping a deployment to maintain operational efficiency and prevent exceeding budget.

K8s clusters handling 10B daily API calls use Kubecost

Kubecost offers the ContainerStats Pipeline functionality within its architecture, which builds statistical representations of individual containers' resource usage over time. An administrator can configure this in Helm by adding the following:

  containerStatsEnabled: true

Furthermore, Kubecost offers a complete API directory to integrate into your pipelines to fit your monitoring, governance, diagnostic, savings, and filtering needs.

Configure cost alerts

Cost alerts facilitate proactive management of budget deviations and promptly notify all stakeholders. They are fundamental if you want to stay within the limits of your budget while retaining the balance between the cost and performance of your Kubernetes infrastructure.

Given Kubernetes' dynamic and often complex resource allocation, real-time tracking costs can prevent budget overruns and ensure efficient resource use. By setting up cost alerts, organizations can receive notifications when spending exceeds predefined thresholds, allowing them to adjust resource allocations or scale down services as necessary quickly. These alerts not only aid in maintaining financial discipline but also in identifying unusual patterns that could indicate inefficiencies or misconfigurations within the infrastructure.

Cluster and Kubecost Health Alerts in Kubecost.

Implementing cost alerts is a proactive approach to cloud management. It ensures that Kubernetes environments are performant, reliable, and cost-effective. This practice lets you fully utilize Kubernetes' scalability and flexibility while controlling your cloud expenditure.

Alerts can be sent to the communication channel of your choice, with a classic example being email addresses or popular communication services such as Slack or Teams using webhooks and providing a link back to your Kubernetes monitoring tool’s dashboard.

Creating an alert in Kubecost.

Set performance thresholds and proactively monitor services.

A prevalent issue in Kubernetes management is the excessive allocation of resources, driven by concerns over application performance. This often leads to overprovisioning and unnecessarily inflating costs. Performance monitoring is a cornerstone of effective Kubernetes management and works by collecting, analyzing, and visualizing the control plane, pods, and node metrics.

Cost management tools, such as Kubecost, offer a solution by providing clear visibility into resource utilization. These tools enable more precise resource allocation with detailed insights that facilitate precise resource allocation and cluster node utilization optimization. Setting performance thresholds and monitoring services allow for proactive issue identification and resolution, ensuring that resources are efficiently allocated without compromising service quality.

Assess resource reports and adhere to policies.

Ensuring compliance and providing auditable cost data pose significant challenges in large-scale Kubernetes deployments. Strategies for addressing these challenges include starting with concise reporting timeframes and gradually expanding them, ensuring accurate and realistic cost forecasting. Additionally, integrating resource reporting data with third-party analytics and visualization tools, such as Power BI or Tableau, is critical for extracting actionable insights from the data. These integrations significantly enhance the value of Kubernetes resource reports.

Learn how to manage K8s costs via the Kubecost APIs

Pursue automation in cost optimization.

Automated scaling decisions based on cost and utilization data help optimize operational costs. This ensures a balance between performance and financial efficiency. Similar to the concept and recommendation of integrating cost reporting in CI/CD pipelines, here, by continuously monitoring and analyzing Kubernetes resources and using historical data for predictive analysis, you could dynamically allocate resources based on demand, forecast future expenses, and eliminate unnecessary expenses.

This extensive article by StormForge,a platform that leverages Machine Learning for automated Kubernetes resource management, provides a great guide on Kubernetes autoscaling with cost in mind.

Educate teams on cost implications.

Make sure that you educate your teams on cost implications. A deep understanding of the cost implications as a result of resource usage decisions promotes a cost-effective approach to resource management.

It is common for developers to disregard cost implications or not be on the same page regarding cost with business and operations. Education and annual or bi-annual training can keep non-finance personnel aware of cost concerns and help encourage responsible behavior throughout a product development team.

Use usage reports to optimize resources.

Usage reports offer an invaluable tool for organizations seeking to optimize their resource allocation. They provide historical data that enables businesses to identify trends and patterns over time, helping to predict future resource needs.

By following the data, businesses can identify and avoid the common errors and pitfalls that lead to over-allocation or under-allocation of resources and ensure that resources are allocated appropriately. As a result, efficiency and effectiveness increase, and with usage reports, businesses can make better-informed decisions and ensure they are making the most of their resources.

Right-Sizing recommendations from the savings insights in Kubecost.

To create a report in Kubecost, you can choose from the three types of monitoring dashboards: Allocation, Asset, and Cloud Cost Explorer. After selecting the dashboard related to the report you want to create, you can construct your report using the available filters and edit functionality. You can then save the report for later use.

You can export the reports you create in PDF and CSV formats. In addition, you can create scheduled reports sent via email at the following intervals:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly

This ensures that stakeholders receive updated cost insights regularly. For more comprehensive management, such as defining report parameters, Kubecost supports configurations through a values.yaml file, which provides flexibility and convenience.

Instructions generated via the Kubecost dashboard on how to add a report in values.yaml


Kubernetes resource reporting is critical in improving cost management and performance across Kubernetes environments. By adhering to best practices and utilizing advanced tools like Kubecost, resource reports greatly assist in optimizing infrastructure management through insightful monitoring and reporting.

Key strategies, such as consistent tagging, regular publication of resource usage reports, and integrating cost reporting within CI/CD pipelines, are key in maintaining and improving operational efficiency and financial diligence. Furthermore, the importance of configuring cost alerts and leveraging usage reports for resource optimization shows the significant potential for cost savings and improved resource allocation.

Resource reporting advocates for a culture of cost awareness and accountability within teams, facilitated by education on cost implications. This ensures an organization's more economically efficient operation and aligns technical resource management with broader business goals and finance strategies.

As Kubernetes continues to evolve as the backbone of containerized application management, the insights it draws can help create a comprehensive framework for navigating the complexities of cost and performance optimization. Integrating resource reporting and management practices, powered by tools like Kubecost, provides a robust foundation for balancing cost efficiency and high-performance infrastructure in Kubernetes operations.

Comprehensive Kubernetes cost monitoring & optimization

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